Trail Care Volunteers
Trail care within Nerang National Park is performed periodically by volunteers of Nerang Trail Care Alliance under supervision of Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Services.
Typically trail care days fall on the second Sunday of every month. For up-to-date information please visit Nerang Trail Care on Facebook. Everyone is welcome!
Donate to Trail Care
Donations to support trail care may be made directly to Nerang Trail Care Alliance through the Pinkbike/Trailforks Trail Karma program. Tools and supplies for volunteers are funded from donations to the association. Use links below to make a donation.
Event Volunteers
Whether it’s marshalling, helping out in the event village or bunting the race course, GCMTB events can only happen with the support of volunteers. If you are interested in helping out at any of our events, please get in contact. We’re a friendly bunch and it is always a rewarding experience.
To put your name down as a volunteer, simply contact us and our Volunteer Coordinator will get in touch with you.